Today I took on a dog, that is to say I finally gave in to pressure and went to the dog rescue and paid to have one signed over to us. He's called 'Ned'. He was called 'Ned Kelly' but of course now he's called Ned Martin. He's a Kelpie cross, although the only thing about him that doesn't look like a Kelpie is his colour. Here's the picture that the dog rescue place had put on the internet. How could I resist?
I didn't mention anything to the kids, cos it's really something you can't be sure about till you meet the dog is it! I found him quite indifferent to my presence, neither happy to see me, or rude to me. That was pretty much how Walter (my previous dog) had been when I first met him, so whilst Ned is bigger, he was looking good to me.
I signed up the papers and took him to our friend Peta's dog grooming place for a bath on the house (Thanks Peta). He was SO relaxed with it, and with all the other dogs in there... so he was looking even better to me.
I got him home and showed him around. Jack the cat was not very impressed - (of course) but it seems that he'll move over as he's been getting closer and closer over the last few hours. Ned was cool as a cucumber with him and just ignored the hissing!
At just before 3 we were outside the school. As soon as the bell went, there were kids patting and stroking (and poking at him) and he was gentle and loving in return, half sitting on my legs. And then Phoebe and Matilda got the message from one of the kids that I was sitting outside.....with a DOG!
This is Phoebe's reaction just after she's asked me 'Who's dog is it Dad?'... and I replied 'He's ours!'
Within an hour or so, (on the way back from the dog food warehouse place) Matilda took this picture.
Matilda has already been teaching him to stay and shake hands which he's got the fundamentals of in the one afternoon! He could already sit on demand, and so now we need him to get the idea of ball catching....
Right now (1am Saturday morning) - Phoebe is asleep on the sofa-bed and he's draped himself over her legs.
They're SOOO chuffed to finally have a dog!