Saturday, 6 April 2019

Molly and Tom's visit

Oh it's a bit difficult, trying to write a blog when so much time has elapsed between the taking of the photos that you want to use, and the writing part. This photo below is, I think, of Phoebe on or around her birthday. Her fifteenth one! Oh yes...indeed...and all that sucking in of breath and head wagging and ruing the passage of time. So...yeah here she is in all her radiant...ness :-) Last out, best they say...and have I told you about how often she drops the thing? No...?  Well...perhaps we shouldn't go there...

Anyway, not long ago...but definitely far away, especially if you live in the old Blighty...Molly and Tom battered and needing a lie down. we went to the spit of course.

Daile donated her car to the greater happiness of our lovely guests and they went off later in the first week or so, to New Sarf Wales...and had a bit more of a lie down at Byron Bay. And other sitting up, making tea, trying out Australian beer...(and then getting back to the European stuff right away....which is quite justifiable really). Meanwhile...back at base camp...yours truly got 'nut bound' or something of the sort. (work it actually, not being able to work it out!). Here I am in all MY radient-ness. 

..and then....

They stuck a tube up my nose and expected me to swallow it when it came past the swallowing flappy thing...y. OHHHH MYYYYY GARRRD.
You know when you go to get your blood taken for an investigation and the dracula can't get the needle into a suitable vein...but feels like it's all good practice, and you come out with an arm like a pin cushion? Well this wasn't anything like that.

But...the ***kers (gawd bless 'em) nearly killed me!
I am NOT programmed to allow plastic tubes into my stomach...I can tell you that.
Here I am again with the radiant vibe going on...

Somehow, I survived.
I was admitted to a surgical see what would happen. I was lying there hungry and thirsty on the second morning there...(cos it was nil by mouth) when the cohort of doctors and butchers came past and said (giggling and cackling) that if there was no movement by the following morning, It'd be into surgery for see if there was anything left in there that they could take out and throw away. At that point, and this is no word of a lie....the heavens opened up...and so did the bowels (metaphorically of my case...cos know...? ) ..and so that passage of my life was past (as it were) together with a few handfuls of nuts. God was praised for such a well timed intervention...but I didn't hear back from her. Probably couldn't make out what I was saying cos of the tube.

Shortly after this, we all took a walk to the quarry...cept for me...because I can't walk far cos of my shagged out leg, so I took the bicycle.

The two frolicsome adults spent quite a lot of time with me at the art school, and it gave me a chance to get to know Tom a bit more.  He's a fine person, and rare I find, he's interested in questioning his assumptions of reality. Molly and he are a good fit....which is a great thing for anyone eh! 

...and Tild came along quite often too... 
...and Ned...can't get rid of Ned...follows me around like a dog. 

And right at the end...the last weekend, we went to Straddie. It was a pain cos there's been fires there and our normal campsite was not available for camping. We couldn't believe it. 
In the end, having considered camping at one of the organised places on the island, we decided to get the first ferry out at shortly after dawn, and come back on the last one back. It was a great day. The following pics illustrate:

These last two were at Tap and Miriam's house. The Feeb here with Louisa...and her varnish collection. (in the way of the pool table!!!). 

and sunset from their house is always good...they are on top of the highest hill in Shailer Park. 

...and then....

They were gone again....leaving me to rue the passage of time. 

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