Thursday 23 October 2008

rambing on...

It's alright, [dear reader] I'm still here! I've just been busy that's all, and there's always such a lot of things to do.
Both Daile and I have been immersed in study of course, and that's been pretty full on at times. I wonder if its all worth it on occasion, and then I sit in front of the telly for a minute and remember that actually I'd rather do almost anything than that and study seems like a really good idea. OK there are other alternatives too, but study is really interesting and it feels like I'm making a contribution to my understanding of things, and my life, and my future and all that kind of thing.
Daile's current course is called 'Applying psychology' and is really interesting stuff. There's a section about how to spot liars... which is fascinating. I didn't know that with the lie detection tests that the US use, they actually manipulate the subject into lying... or attempt to. In the UK its called entrapment and is illegal.
I've also been reading the latest book by the maveric billionaire and self declared 'failed philosopher' George Soros. The book is called 'The new paradigm for financial markets. The credit crisis of 2008 and what it means'. If i'd read his previous (2006) book, then I would have sold our house even earlier than we did. He predicted the current crisis then...
And guess what...? He thinks that its going to get worse because the market fundamentalist concepts that western economics is based on are flawed at the base. Yeee haa. I knew this of course and those of you who have been living anywhere near me for some time will know that 'rant' is my middle name. I have other names too. In fact my full name is chris rant ing old git martin.

So anyway, I've bought my ticket to the UK in Nov and i'm flying with Air Brunai. Apparently you can't get alcoholic drinks on the flight, which ought to do me good. I usually sucumb to one of those little bottles of red and then spend the rest of the flight trying to head off a headache by drinking loads of those thimble sized cups of water they give you. Not sure if I fancy the public flogging though..
When I get into the UK i've got a car on hire - which makes sense given the fact that i've got to get to Cornwall and Josh and Molly have to get up to Hull with me. That combination of train fares alone makes the convenience of the car much more viable... sad really that public transport is so expensive eh.

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