Sunday, 25 April 2010

This week in Shailer Park...

Last week was a bit of a blur really. A lot of technical problems at work to do with our Canberra client, and several days of buggering about with all that both here in Brisbane and in Canberra.

Phoebe was sick as a dog (a sick one) on Wednesday night, just after I’d got back from Canberra and a long day that had started at 3am. (This was the view of the sunrise on the way out, the way back was almost identical).

I hadn’t really considered that the carpet between the girl’s rooms is a deep pile one until I had to get onto my hands and knees to scrub/soak vomit out of it, whilst Daile had the equally risky job of consoling the Feeb and keeping Matilda from constantly expressing how disgusting it all was!

She had another couple of chucks after that, and I ended up working from home on Thursday morning until I was relieved of duty by Daile at lunchtime. We thought for a little while that the rest of us would go down with the bug but apparently it’s gone past – a great relief really – especially when we’re so busy at the moment all round.

Today is ANZAC day… which is (as some of you will remember from earlier blogs) a day of remembrance for the troops who died in the defence of the political ideals of others…which is largely how several Australians I know see it. Not everyone is so cynical. For the most part however, we all use it as an excuse to drink a lot of rum and coke, beer, (or bear if you’re a redneck) and very little tea. In fact Daile may be the only person in Australia who’s drinking habits are totally unaffected by occasions such as this… it’s tea, tea, and er, tea with her – gawd bless ‘er.

Next weekend is Labor [sic] day, which is basically a repeat of the behaviour if not the motivation for it. I’m liking the interruption to the work pressure to be honest though. It’s always nice to do a 4 day week and get paid for 5 isn’t it!

Interesting thing in Canberra is that they have a weird road sign...have a look.

It doesn't matter how many I see, I still read this as 'Lane One Form'...! Bloody planners. Perhaps they don't read ahead. It SORT of works when you look at it in a photograph, but on the road, it reads the wrong way up every time!

What else? Remember Phoebe lost a tooth last week? ...

She lost another the next day!

This time the fairy came without a problem and all was well...

Another thing I've been doing is attempting to make a sculpt of Matilda. It's much harder than you think! I spent ages on this the other morning, and at the end of it I'd actually made it look LESS like her! I've improved things a bit from this pic... but there's a long way to go. I'll put something else up when I've made a bit more progress.

Yesterday we decided to make a trolley kart... Matilda and Luis helped cut out the timber....

OK, that's it f'now...

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