Sunday 23 May 2010

Girls being girls, and Dads being busy...

This week, Phoebe presented me with the following article that illustrates "Clara's Curls' from the Nutcracker ballet. She was very matter of fact about it when she told me that she was going to do this to her own hair and she set about preparing the things she'd need. We first discussed it over breakfast, and actually did the deed before bed. She was really excited by the prospect, and was really chuffed that she was going to see a 'new curly me' in the morning!

She cut out the bits of kitchen cloth... and we sprayed her hair with my charcoal fixative (aka cheap hairspray).

This is what the sleeping beauty looked like.

In the morning, her hair looked like tight little springs sticking out of her head! It said on the instructions that you're supposed to leave it in for about 2 hrs... oops! But after Daile had come to the rescue and combed it for a bit... it got a lot better. She went off to school with a little more bounce than normal!

Here's some pics (Mum) of the second kart. It's called 'Lightening' by request. (The other one is called 'The Sting').

Just before varnish...

and just after...

Recently Matilda's class did a dress up day at which the whole class including the teachers, got dressed up as they would have a hundred years ago. Matilda got quite into the idea and willingly (much to our surprise) wore a dress and brushed her hair!

We were invited to a dance after lunch, and I managed to get off work.

This is a square dance... and frankly I felt like a bit of one! Ha.

Last weekend I did a nice little job for a student at QUT. It's actually going to be a chair believe it or not!

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