Friday 14 September 2007


I considered calling this blog 'Pommy v JAFA' which (it says on the web at; - ) stands for 'just another fuckin' Aussie', in anticipation of my finding the people here to be less than sympathetic to my whimsical English-ness. Then I discovered that the lovely people are known as 'shackle draggers' by South Africans. Specifically, the Aussies themselves refer to the residents of Queensland as 'Banana benders'....I have absolutely no idea why. There are a number of derogatory terms used to describe Aboriginals... one of which is 'Boong'. The word apparently derives from a native word from the Sydney area pre 1788 meaning anus. The Aboriginals, for their part, have a term for white Australians namely 'ABC'...which stands for 'Aboriginal Bum Cleaner'. Sophistication it seems is not a widespread social phenomenon here...which should really aid my own integration.

Its 1.25 am (London time) on the day we travel to Bangkok...(Friday the 14th Sept 07) and next week on Thursday, we'll be arriving in Brisbane.

The time on this blog is set to Brisbane time....

1 comment:

  1. Safe journey chaps, and have fun in Bangkok. We're all going to miss you very much, but we're all rootin' for you too.

    Great idea to set up a blog, and I'm sure you will anyway but do post plenty of pics won't you?

    Take care Toffer, Daile, Matilda, and Phoebe.

    Lots of love - Joe x

    P.S. My time's all over the place too. It's 8:40am where I am in L.A. which is 16:40 in London and already 01:10am tomorrow in Brisbane
