Sunday 9 November 2008

UK visit....

Well this is the end of the first week in the UK and we're just starting to get ready for the do up in Beverly. Mum and Dad are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and for those of you who don't know, I came over to England last weekend to be part of the celebrations.

I’ve been to stay with Nick, Terri and Richard, Ali and Molly, Megan Robin, and now I’m in Hull.

I didn't bring the camera, but borrowed Daile's one. I've been taking a few snaps as I've gone, but not like my normal self.

One thing that is interesting is these 3 pics of Megan's study, Nick's study, and Josh's table. It kind of summarises where he is if you know what I mean.

This is Josh's bedroom, which is in a really nice little house in Falmouth. No room for a car outside cos the street is little too... not that he's got one, but it made things interesting for me.

Josh is doing well at the University and seems to be enjoying the course immensly. He has a couple of girls living in the same house and already has quite a few mates that are living in other houses not a million miles away. Megan and Robin (freinds that I first met when I was only a couple of years older than Josh) are looking after his interests and he has a few hours of 'baby sitting' work looking after their youngest who is 11. Its all pretty good all said and done.

Whilst we were there, Molly and I went and had a look at the art college and we both felt that it was really lovely.

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