Friday, 3 December 2010


I confess to a little embarrassment.

We received a mail a month or so ago saying that I'd been invited to the cast and crew screening of Narnia and that I could bring one other.

I wasn't all that bothered about going, thinking that it would be better to go all together as a family, but Daile pointed out that perhaps Molly would appreciate going, and when I asked, she said she'd really like to.

She had some thoughts (she openly declared) of perhaps meeting some of the stars that she'd grown up watching. I felt a bit short sighted not to have thought of that... so was chuffed to be able to take her.

Tonight as we were driving down to the cinema at Pacific Fair, a massive shopping centre on the Gold Coast that had been selected as the venue, and where the cinema has 10 theatres, 2 of which were to be taken in the entirety, I told her that since it's a year since the wrap party, there were likely to be several crew that I didn't remember the names of, and that she should be prepared to introduce herself. I spent some of the time on the way down, re familiarising myself mentally, with faces to names so that I didn't embarrass anyone.

We found the place in good time, and after a quick dive into the loos for a widdle, we ascended the escalator to the cinema level. Now I've been to several of these kinds of events now, and usually they're the same. You arrive to find crew and cast milling around outside the entrance catching up on what they've been doing with themselves for 20 mins or so before the show. We were about 10 mins early, so we were both a bit surprised to see that there wasn't a throng of people. In fact there were hardly any people milling at all! We got some Maltesers and a couple of small bottles of water to go and headed to the cinema. I imagined that everyone must have already gone in.

Turns out it was the day before! The ticket lady felt sorry for us and let us come in for nothing anyway... and so we went in with the proletariat. Worryingly, there were only about 10 other people in the cinema! I'd be pissed off if it had been MY $100m, dollars that had been invested!

So we sat in an almost exclusive show, and then left as soon as it ended... completely forgetting the need to see the credits role.

It WAS enjoyable though. … and Molly was STILL proud of me anyway! Bless!

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