Sunday 21 November 2010

Getting away

A couple of weekends ago, we went to the beach down at the Gold Coast to see if we could get some good pics... thinking of Molly doing some Karin Jurick type paintings in the style of these...

As it turned out, the sun was a bit 'challenged' that day. Never-the-less, she got some fairly interesting ones, of which these are a few: Note the little dog going for the ankles....!

and again here....!

The view down to 'Surfers Paradise'...

and the rear view of me watching the girls play in the surf... between the lifeguards flags of course....!

Later the following week, I made some Sari's for the little ones to dress up in for a cultural thing at school. They both won a prize of $10 book vouchers each... so that was good!

...and then Phoebe lost ANOTHER tooth. The pair of them did up a real spread for the tooth fairy including of all things... 'toothpaste buns'... which she apparently loved as she ate the lot!

We went to North Stradbroke Island last weekend. It was predicted to rain, much like it was predicted to rain when we went to Moreton Island.. and it didn't this time either. Daile came this time, and Molly, so it was get out the big tent time. We arrived in the dark and pitched it in the dark, which would have been bad enough without the additional complication that neither Daile or I could remember how it went together. It took us quite a while, and was actually quite amusing!

The next day the girls were out early tying knots in things and collecting shells off the beach which was right next to where we camped.

Going barefoot on the sand is a bit of a risk... here's a blue bottle jelly. If you step on one of these and you're sensitive to them, they can cause a very nasty reaction, and even shut down normal breathing.. not to mention being very painful. The girls like the sound they make if you stomp on them... they go 'pop'. Actually they're not one animal but four.. that all operate together to make up a functioning organism. They're called Zooids.

We like to go on the beach at night and look at the stars...

...and Matilda loves to build camp fires...

We found a little 'lake' of sea water at low tide. It has lots of little fish that are fun to try and catch.

... or you can just read a book.

...or stay in the shade.

Anyway, it was great to get away.

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