The drama was getting to the airport from the office. Brisbane is without parallel in my experience for being totally CRAP at signing roads. There are many many major road intersections that have heavy implications if you take the wrong turn that they don't bother to signpost. It's really quite incredible. When you do find yourself going down a wrong turn, they often follow the junction with a series of 'no U-turn' junctions that prevent you from doubling back. You then decide to take a punt through the smaller back-roads to cut across and get back into the general direction, only to find that they close roads and make them closed to the connection that your map tells you they should have. It's really unbelievable how bad they are at it!
Other news this week...Phoebe lost another tooth and pronounced that I was the tooth fairy.. only to then go to the trouble of making an elaborate set out for the fairy. In the past, she's asked the fairy (via notes) what she looks like. The fairy told her to think of her and she'd be in her head. This time she wrote a note to tell the fairy that when she thinks of her she doesn't see anything... and she asked her what her name was. Surprisingly, the fairy wrote her a long (for a fairy.. about 300mm x 5mm long note actually) explaining that her heart could see her, even if her head couldn't and that her name was 'Fidget'. :-) Apparently Fidget lives in the woods (although she didn't specify which woods) and usually wears a silver dress with red and white leggings. I imagine that she must have written this before she opened the little parcel Feeb had made her, which was a little outfit. (Kids have an unerring knowledge about the right size to make things like this).
Both the girls got their reports this Friday and they were both excellent. This was particularly fortuitous for Tild, since we're applying for her next school... or at least an option for her next school this week.. a full 3 years before she'll be going there if she gets past their strict entrance criteria and actually fancies it still. It's a top grammar school (THE top grammar school apparently) in Brisbane, and she's quite up for it... despite it being a long journey. I think she's finding the prospect acceptable on the proviso that her mate Aiden will go there too. He's applying. Phoebe would probably follow if Tild gets in... assuming that she keeps up her good work too.
Been working with Feeb making fencing for her dolls house today, and she's been making a swing for it. Tilda has been making a shield and wants a new sword making tomorrow... hi ho. I'll post up pics of that stuff... remind me.
Got to go and work a bit now...