I know!
I said, but Phoebe if you get up that early you'll wake up everyone in the house just by walking around! (Have you ever noticed how bizarre it is that young children, though they're a third of your weight make three times as much noise on their footfall .. OR MORE?) She said that she'd be quiet...to which I scoffed! 'HA!' I said. The voice of experience pulling, sage like at my left eyebrow and tilting my head forward so that I could look under it... with that 'yer think?' kind of expression. So when we got home she declared that she was going to 'practice' being quiet. And... that's what she did. She crept around the house 4 times... and I honestly didn't hear her except when she was telling Matilda that she couldn't talk to her because she was practicing being quiet.
Daile's reaction was the same as mine... complete with the look. But we decided that we'd go with the flow... and let her wake up at 4am.
Tomorrow is photo day at school. We've elected not to pay for the individual photo's but they still have to appear in the class ones....and we have the option to buy those. The class teachers told them that they should polish their shoes. Feeb has been wearing baseball boots for some time.. cos she thinks it's cool and it seems to be acceptable to the school, however tonight she dug out her boots (from my newly organised boot cupboard - a benefit of being off work) and asked me if I'd polish them. I said I'd show her how to do it and sent her off to get the polishing kit... which has always since Molly and Josh were little been in the Ikea wooden drawers set. Never-the-less, Feeb had no idea where it was.... sheeeks!
I ramble don't I!
Anyway, she took herself off to bed early, and closed her door so that the clock doesn't wake us all up. Before she went, she got organised...
SO organised that at 4.15 I reckon she'll be ready...
Ha ha. That'll learn 'er!
Earlier today, I rendevoued with Tild at the robotics class that she does because she wanted me to see the snake that Tilda, Aiden and Lisa are making that is going to 'eat' a robotic mouse in a competition that they are entering in 3 weeks. The pictures below show the 'tractor' unit that they made. I think that Matilda did most of the building, Aiden did most of the programming, and Lisa had the idea in the first place. It's supposed to be a joint effort and the work is pretty much ALL done by the kids. I can't show you the body of the snake as I didn't take my camera to school, but we brought this bit back so that Matilda could make the skin for it. The arm is forming the upper jaw that envelopes the mouse (if it catches it) and I told the teacher I had some animation wire that would be perfect, so it came home. Tilda then got into a book, so now the wire is going back to school tomorrow and they're going to cut it there. I'll try to get a picture or two of the finished thing.
The snake is very long and creates a fair amount of drag. They built a series of buggies that are all attached to each other and carry an arch of cardboard that supports the skin. It looks really good. I asked Tilda a while ago if she wanted me to make some buggies to do that job on the router and she explained that it all has to be done by the kids if you want to be taken seriously as a builder! Anyway, the pic below shows the way that they did gearing so that it has some serious traction....
The bit below is the 'brain' that you program by plugging it into the computers in the classroom that are running the Lego software. (This is a 'Lego Mindstorm' thing)
Below is the Lycra skin draped on.... quite good innit? It will look pretty awesome when it's all fitted I reckon. What they've already done on the body looks convincing...
Other things to do with my health are going OK, slowly slowly getting some sort of feeling of the beginnings of control.. but a long way to go yet.
That's it fer now... better get some shut eye I suppose!
I love Feeb's little boots, She look's so cute in them.
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