Wednesday 1 June 2011

Dog, Cat, Bird 2!

OK, the next day they did a bit more... the 'sequel'. It didn't quite get finished as there was a great deal of giggling, then we had a meltdown, and then it was time for baths and bed... so Phoebe finished it off this evening, unable to prise Matilda out of her book.

Ladies and Gents, DOG, CAT, BIRD... the sequel:

Today was also a significant day because they wanted to walk back from school. We equipped Matilda with a mobile phone... (which caused a fight!) and they made their own way back. It's a 5 minute drive... and it took them 45 mins!! Ha ha. But at least we know they can do it if they have to.

1 comment:

  1. Gillian Martin5 June 2011 at 11:27

    Oh Bless Em! I love Dog Cat Bird n birdlets! Lots of personality! Well done chaps! Lots of Love,
    Gillian n Holly n Billus XXXX
