This last little while I've been distracted by a job that I foolishly agreed to do for the junior school musical. It's been a mad dash to make 25 latex insect hats. It's my own fault that I didn't just make em out of cardboard though... I'm such a mug!
Here's some pics of the workshop blathered with them.
They all had different expressions...
Last night when I was out life drawing and Daile was out at work... the baby sitter (Louise) was up to her tinker like behaviour again with the girls. She's a bit of a dark horse this one. Anyway, when I got home she was keen to show me a little video that she took of Matilda dressed up in a tutu... doing a beauty queen thing!!!! Phoebe had bribed her with a purse that got to 13 dollars! (You can imagine the haggling can't you). When we saw it, Daile and I decided to help Phoebe out on the grounds that it was a noble thing that she'd done.. and pitched in to $5 each ha ha. Louise was filming it, and Feeb was showing Matilda what to do! (Sorry that the vid goes on it's side... she turned the camera to portrait and I don't have software to sort that out).
I give you..(with Matilda's permission) .....the evidence!