...can't believe I used to do all that stuff.
Anyway, its a while since I did a blog, and partly this has been due to a heavy workload, and partly due to not having all that much to report.
However, today we had a little (emphasis on little) distraction.
I was in one of those operations meetings that I mentioned a while back, and got a phone call. Actually I got several phone calls, all of which I ignored, until by the time the 5th one came along, i thought perhaps i should reply. It wasn't that important, but I'd left the room and was then the only operational manager that wasn't in a meeting. As such, it fell to me to deal with an issue. I was informed that a snake had been found in one of the structure stillages... and when I asked.... I was told it was a brown snake. Now many of you may not realise this, but an Eastern Brown snake is one of the most deadly snakes in the world. It strikes without being provoked, and is responsible for most of the deaths that occur from snake bites.
We have a sign on the wall about what to do. Here it is - you'll need to click on it to read it:
One of the lads asked if he should phone the snake removal company and I said yes. Then I went to get Daile's camera out of my rucksack and went to find it, thinking of you lot of course!
I spoke to the guy in charge of the structures dept, and he showed me to the stillage. My first impression was how small it was! I said blimey i'd expected this to be a couple of inches in diameter. He said that it was a brown, and that he'd move it for me if I wanted to get a better picture...! I said I assume with a stick...and he said 'of course'! ... in a tone to imply 'stupid bloody Pom!.
I told him there was no need and took a couple of these pics... using the zoom so as not to have to get close.
A person was put on a watch to make sure it didn't dissapear... and I went back, thinking of the meeting. As I got near, they started to come out. I collared the warehouse manager and told him about the brown. He said to show him and I led the way back to the place.
He took one look at it, and declared us all tossers! He reached in, and picked it up!
...I could not believe it!
He said that it was a baby carpet snake (python). I indignantly pointed out that the sign clearly says that we're not to do what he just did...and he said that he'd written the sign...and it was 'Daddy's rules' (i.e. he can break them) Ha ha.
The health and safety guy had turned up in the mean time, and laughing, said...I hope the bloody thing bites you!
Bloody thing. So we all had a laugh that we'd called for snake removal for a worm!
Then it bit him!
And we all laughed REALLY hard.
But the interesting thing is that the others hadn't seen a brown either (apparently), and they're all Aussies. Pretty rare sight then.
The other interesting thing is that the sign has been 'corrected' by someone that has bad grammar.
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