Wednesday, 1 April 2009

This n nat...

A quick vid. Went to Sydney, went for bike ride with girls and mate called Chelsea.

Been reasonably busy. Working a bit, working on the website a bit, and the boat, and the PhD, and the boyish charm... OK not the last ones.

Today I was working at the casino in town from 3.30am... yes that's right! We were installing a game and a stage, not actually working on the tables...
Crazy thing about the casino is that it's not populated with posh and wealthy people in penguin suits, but ordinary, often elderly people who look like the last thing they need to be doing is getting ripped off by a casino. I can't begin to imagine what the attraction is. You only have to look at the casino to get a big clue about who is winning most of the bets!... and it's doing it 24 hr a day. There a people turning up for flutter at all hours! If they're not old, they seem to be Irish or Oriental.

I must admit that it crossed my mind that the 3.30am start might have been an April's fool joke, but it turned out not.

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