Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Advertising and the devil

those of you who've been coming here for yonks will notice that there are advertisements on the blog today!


I've allowed them on because I've been reading that people actually click on them and that you can get a bob or two from that.

Now under normal circumstances I'd cock a snook at all that. I really don't like being advertised to myself, but as we are currently challenged in the cash flow dept, I thought I'd overlook my principalities for a while.

So go right ahead and click whatever they put up here on the right, and below... whether its for weight loss, weight gain, breast shaping, reduction, viewing or whatever.

Actually, I HAVE put some filters on, but they don't allow you to filter ALL the crappy ads out, so we'll have to wait and see.

Sorry n'nat.

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