Monday 7 April 2008


Well, the time is rapidly approaching when we will have to say goodbye to Josh. He leaves with Emma on Friday morning for Phuket, and that will be the last we see of him for some time. It is a bit upsetting, and Matilda in particular seems to be feeling quite put upon by the impending separation. I think it's the fact that we don't know when we'll see him next that makes it so difficult. The girls have spent quite a lot of their time hanging out with Josh and Emma, and over the last week in particular, they seem to have been living in each other's pockets. Josh isn't working this week, and they've all gone down to Carlene's house. I'm not entirely sure when they're back, but presumably it will be in time to get all the necessary washing and packing done.

I've really enjoyed having Josh around. He's a good kid, and quite amusing too. Dame Edna once said that you 'have to love your kids, but you don't have to like them'. Well I like him quite a lot, which for a grumpy old fart like me, is quite a rareity. I don't like kids his age as a rule. He has something reassuringly balanced about his personna, and I'm sure he's going to be really fine in his life. It's funny, but as a parent, these are the things that you find yourself thinking. 'How will they cope...with LIFE?' I know I've tried to put a bit of pressure on him whilst he's been here to work and set himself up for the travelling a bit more, and he's gone some way to where I'd like him to be, so I'm happy that he's learned something about how hard it is to come by money. You can't learn the lessons for them can you....but when you push them into the hard yakka, you run the risk that they just wont get what you're trying to show them. I think he has...sort of. He travels with our thoughts, and our love. That ought to do it!

1 comment:

  1. Chris

    Griffith University has its own Innocence Project in the Law School.
