Friday 14 December 2007

Pay the rent....!

Today was Matilda's last day of school, and she was really keen to go and join in the fun. She'd been sent home early yesterday because she was unwell, but by the time I'd got home she seemed back to normal... i.e. giggling too much and generally being over the top. Daile taught her to play checkers (draughts) on Wednesday, and since then she's been looking for partners on a constant basis. I played her twice this evening, and she won one and lost one. Something seemed to click in there tonight, and she's starting to think a move ahead. It was almost like a switch was thrown, and suddenly she understood the REAL game. She fidgets constantly, intently studying the board with a furrowed brow...whilst upside down with one leg in the air. I'm sure you can imagine. Its like playing with an annoying fly buzzing round you the whole time. Constant coarse motor action, and near catastrophe as she bounces, or her trouser leg skitters over the board like novice radio controlled helicopter...touching down without anything approaching style, and the whole while watching the board like its about to run off. She seems just as happy to lose as she does to win...well OK perhaps that's not quite true, she's just as happy to lose as most people are to win, but when she wins, she's ecstatic!

Phoebe meanwhile took herself outside to look at the stars, wearing her nightie and stripy straw hat... how different they are!

Today was also significant because we completed on our rental house. The solicitor phoned at about 3 to say that it had all gone through, and I thanked her, giggling, which she must have assumed was because I was pleased. I WAS of course, but the reason I was amused was 5 minutes before she called, I got a call from 'our tenant' to say that the toilet was leaking! Ha ha. Welcome to the world of letting, and have a nice day!
So off I went to have a look, plumbing tools at the ready. As I was leaving here I suddenly thought it would be a good idea to take a 6 pack of stubbies to celebrate the event with him (Shane he's called). He thought that was a great idea, and we stood in his kitchen nattering for about half an hour comparing criminal records! He's British from Tottenham and supports Spurs in a big way. Funny that footy supporters are often really puzzled when they meet someone that is from 'near them' that doesn't support the local side. Anyway, his lease runs out in mid Feb, and he's been looking for somewhere to buy himself. He has a couple of daughters, one (16) lives with him, and the other (18) lives with the ex wife. He had previously said to me that he'd be out by the end of the lease, but Daile and I had already agreed that it would be sensible to offer him a lease extension if he's up for that and is prepared to accept the rent increase. He's been paying $215 a week, we want to charge $260. In the end we agreed that he'd stay till June at $250 but would pay it from next week rather than have the lower rate till the end of the lease. I think we're about evens. It works out at about $260 a week over the whole period...but he thinks he's up I reckon. Anyway we're all happy and we're dumping the estate agents who've been 'managing' the let up to now, taking $17 a week and doing absolutely nothing by the sound of it! (Don't worry though, there's a lease happening, and we've taken out 'landlord insurance' too. Oh...and I fixed the bog, chatted a bit more, and just as I was about to leave - he told me the oven was broken too!

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